To Know Judge Neubauer is to 

NO Judge Neubauer !


 Court of Appeals candidate
Judge Lisa Neubauer
 is a Constitutional infidel*
*Constitutional infidel
a person who does not follow or adhere to the U.S. constitution, 
when in the judicuary - a judicial scofflaw.

Don't take our word on it,
the court records and facts speak for themselves.

Citizen Neubauer at 21 years old complained about her 
individual civil rights being violated by the Chicago Police Department and the story is compelling.

We want you to watch the video judge Neubauer produced !

Judge Neubauer's opening statement in the above
 facebook video is thought provoking:

"I realized in a very personal way how important the 
courts are in protecting peoples rights" 

But later in life as a judge, Judge Neubauer had no problem violating civil and state rights of an entire state population !

Here are the facts:

Current Court of Appeals case # 2018AP1189
 was a completely sealed court case until a motion to intervene was filed to open the court records.
Sandra Weidner vs. City of Racine
Racine County Circuit court Case #17CV1644
Court of Appeals case # 18AP1189

Judge Lisa Neubauer sealed the complete court record 
contrary to law a created an illegal secret court, the court docketing #, name of parties, court schedules and hearing records were all sealed for months without legal foundation.

The sealing of the court record was contrary to the U.S. Constitution and Wisconsin statutes, violating U. S. Civil rights and Wisconsin statutory rights of every citizen in Wisconsin. 

Below was the "CCAP"  inquiry response dated 3-11-2019

There was no legal basis to seal the entire court record, 
yet Judge Eugene Gasiorkiewicz  in the Circuit Court
and Judge Lisa Neubauer in the Court of Appeals did so 
in order to conduct court proceedings in secret.


Violating the rights of one individual or the 
rights of an entire population? 
The population of Wisconsin is around 5.8 million.
Keep this 5.8 million citizens in mind. 

Because a person is a victim of a civil rights violation (as alleged by Lisa Neubauer) doesn't give that same person the reason to violate an entire population.
 1 versus 5.795 million. (2017 Wisconsin census) 

Do the math !

1 violated citizen  vs. 5.8 million violated citizens.

Judge Neubauer is not only a hypocrite*, she knowingly violated several laws and in the process of engaging in secret court and committed criminal acts in the process. 
Dictionary result for hypocrite
/ˈhipəˌkrit/     noun :  a person who indulges in hypocrisy.

"the story tells of a respectable judge who turns out to be a cheat and a hypocrite"

 As a citizen, Neubauer fought for her rights,
but as Chief Judge in the Court of Appeals,
 she has not fought for you, your neighbor or any 
other of our 5.8 million Wisconsin citizens.

Worse yet, Neubauer as Chief judge in the Court of Appeals has attacked your U.S. civil rights and Wisconsin statutory rights by conducting SECRET court, denying you access to court proceedings.. 

Judge Neubauer as Chief judge of the Court of Appeals sealed the entire court record within her court.
(The Court of Appeals chief judge handles administrative matters for the entire Court of Appeals while continuing to participate fully in deciding cases. source:

Conducting court in secrecy is unconstitutional and violates Wisconsin statutes 757.14 and  59.20(3) The first amendment of the U.S. Constitution and Wisconsin Supreme Court Rules (SCR).
 Wisconsin Statute 757.14   The sittings of every court shall be public and every citizen may freely attend the same……” 

Citizens are directly empowered by statute 757.14 to observe court proceedings.

Wisconsin Statute 59.20(3), The court shall:
" open to the examination of any person all books and papers required to be kept in his or her office and permit any person so examining to take notes and copies of such books, records, papers or minutes ...."

Citizens are directly empowered by statute 59.20(3) to the opening of the Circuit Court record to public examination.

Supreme Court Rules - 60 Preamble. Our legal system is based on the principle that an independent, fair and competent judiciary will interpret and apply the laws that govern us. The role of the judiciary is central to American concepts of justice and the rule of law. Intrinsic to all provisions of this Code are the precepts that judges, individually and collectively, must respect and honor the judicial office as a public trust and strive to enhance and maintain confidence in our legal system. The judge is an arbiter of facts and law for the resolution of disputes and a highly visible symbol of government under the rule of law.

SCR 60.02   A judge shall uphold the integrity and independence

 of the judiciary.

SCR 60.03   A judge shall avoid impropriety and the appearance

 of impropriety in all of the judge's activities.

SCR 60.04   A judge shall perform the duties of judicial office

 impartially and diligently.

The First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution guarantees
 that American court proceedings are
presumptively open to the public.
The U.S. Supreme Court has ruled and explained the public's presumptive right of access to court proceedings is rooted in both logic and history.

Say no to Judge Neubauer

Be an informed electorate !

Additional reading references: 

Read further how Judge Lisa Neubauer denied citizens their 
Constitutional rights to due process and protection from unreasonable searches as a Court of Appeals judge.

Honest, Open & Transparent Government is only click away:
